Behavioral Health
How can the Behavioral Health Team help?
Rhode Island Primary Care Physician’s Corporation physicians know that your health includes the whole person, mind and body.
The Behavioral Health Department is a team of care providers with diverse knowledge and skills to help manage the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of our patients. Team members and services include:
Community Health Worker
Assistance with Social Determinants of Health including:
- Housing and Utilities
- Family Resources
- Interpersonal Violence
- Food Insecurity
- Transportation
School Advocacy
Elder Care Services
- Long term care transition support
- Caregiving Resources
Behavioral Health Clinicians
LIGHT Program: Leading Individuals to Gain Help and Treatment
On call consultation available to all practices for patient support
Brief short term focused therapy available in person or through telehealth sessions. Clinicians will meet with patients up to 10 sessions and assess need for continued therapy in the community. The following is a list of types of therapy offered:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
- Grief and Loss
- Solution focused therapy
Pediatric Integrated Behavioral Health
- Select pediatric practices now have a clinician who helps address acute psychiatric emergencies.
- Clinicians act as a bridge to long term therapy in the community.
Behavioral Health Referral Coordinators
Coordinates Behavioral Health referrals from physicians. These include:
- Medication management
- Psychotherapy
- Substance abuse treatment
- Family and couple's therapy
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Neuropsychological Assessment
Each referral is managed and communicated with our patients within 72 hours of receiving from the physician. A phone call or text message will be sent to the patient for patient collaboration.
Our team of referral coordinators have developed preferred relationships with multiple private behavioral health offices across Rhode Island allowing our patients to have sooner access to appointments.
To contact a member of our behavioral health team, please call our behavioral health line at (401) 214-5517
If you are a mental health provider in the community and wish to develop a referral partnership, please complete the Behavioral Health Compact Form and email your completed form to
Meet the RIPCPC Behavioral Health Team

Aleah Bagwell-Moreino
Behavioral Health Clinician
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Ciara Sweat
Behavioral Health Clinician
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Ashley Strobing
Behavioral Health Clinician
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Gwynne Coupe
Behavioral Health Clinician
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Crystal Madera
Behavioral Health Clinician
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Nicole Nadich
Behavioral Health Clinical Operations Manager

Melissa Cocroft
Behavioral Health Resource Supervisor

Jorge Castillo
Community Health Worker

Carrie Dipietro
Community Health Worker

Katie Connolly
Community Health Worker